April 24, 2024

Announcements | Annunci | Hebahan

“I am Metal Dude!”
Popular culture as propagated by various sources including social media, Hollywood and Bollywood can influence the human psyche and lead to misconceptions as to how the biggest problems facing society can be solved, the fundamental role of leadership quality and what that actually entails. Political narratives have the same effect.
“Akulah adiwira Metal Dude!”
Budaya popular yang disebarkan melalui pelbagai sumber, termasuk media sosial, Hollywood dan Bollywood, boleh mempengaruhi mentaliti manusia dan membawa kepada salah tanggapan tentang cara menyelesaikan masalah sosial dan ekonomi, betapa pentingnya mutu kepimpinan serta unsur sebenar yang diperlukan bagi memimpin. Naratif politik membawa kesan yang sama.
“Io sono Metal Dude!”
La cultura popolare, che si diffonde attraverso vari media come i social, Hollywood e Bollywood, può influenzare profondamente la psiche umana, portando a idee errate su come affrontare i principali problemi della società, sul ruolo cruciale della leadership e su cosa essa realmente comporti. Anche le narrazioni politiche hanno un effetto simile.