Actions have consequences, benefits usually come with specific costs and there is no such thing as a free lunch, as the common cliché goes. Somehow those who claim to be our leaders and those mandated with policymaking duties still manage to overlook the most common element of all: the human cost and the consequences to human life arising from executive decisions and public policy.
Bak kata pepatah, “Setiap tindakan membawa kesan”, “Setiap faedah wujud dengan kos tertentu” dan “Tiada manfaat yang datang berguling tanpa usaha”. Acap kali mereka yang mendabik dada sebagai pemimpin dan mereka yang diberi mandat menggubal dasar awam dilihat mengabaikan unsur yang paling asas: kos dan kesan terhadap kehidupan harian rakyat yang timbul daripada tindakan eksekutif dan perlaksanaan dasar awam.
Ogni azione comporta delle conseguenze, e i benefici richiedono sempre costi specifici; non esiste nulla di veramente gratuito, come suggerisce il noto cliché. Tuttavia, coloro che si proclamano leader e ricoprono incarichi politici sembrano ancora ignorare l'elemento più ovvio di tutti: il costo umano e le conseguenze sulla vita umana derivanti dalle decisioni esecutive e dalle politiche pubbliche.