September 18, 2024

Announcements | Annunci | Hebahan

Official Launch of PIPEN
Showcasing fifteen hypotheses to power the economic growth of Malaysia and enhance the wellbeing of its people, PIPEN is now available to download from Kobo, Apple Books or Google Play Books. It is hoped that this publication will catalyse productive discourse at all levels of Malaysian society and bring everyone together in the collaborative spirit of muhibbah.
Pelancaran Rasmi PIPEN
PIPEN memaparkan lima belas hipotesis bagi memacu pembangunan ekonomi Malaysia serta menambahbaiki kesejahteraan rakyatnya, dan kini sedia untuk dimuat turun dari Kobo, Apple Books atau Google Play Books. Diharapkan penerbitan PIPEN akan mencetus wacana produktif pada setiap lapisan masyarakat Malaysia ke arah perpaduan yang lebih kukuh berlandaskan semangat muhibbah.